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Message: Possible reason for recent insider trading?

I see the mention of finders fee,s mentioned in the release. Here is a little info on the regs of finders fees, and a link below to TSX regulations on PP,s.

1.9 Finder’s Fees or Commissions

(a) The provisions in Policy 5.1 under the headings "Finder’s Fees and Commissions" apply to all finder’s fees and commissions proposed to be paid in connection with a Private Placement.

See Policy 5.1 -

Loans, Bonuses, Finder’s Fees and Commissions .

(b) Securities Laws in certain jurisdictions explicitly prohibit a commission or similar payment to be paid in connection with securities issued in reliance on the Prospectus exemptions relating to directors, officers and, in some cases, to employees. The Exchange will not allow Issuers to pay a commission for Private Placements to the Issuer’s directors, officers, Insiders and employees or to Persons engaged in Investor Relations Activities for the Issuer.

(c) The Exchange generally does not consider it appropriate for an Issuer to pay sales commissions or other remuneration to any Person where the majority of the Placees are directors, officers, Insiders or employees of the Issuer or if the Placees are Persons engaged in Investor Relations Activities on behalf of the Issuer.


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