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Message: companies affected by illegal trading conduct/naked shorting


RGM Communications Inc.
#427 - 470 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V6C 1V5

Listed below are a large number of public information articles and reports detailing the brokerage houses, marketmakers and the conduct of the main "street" characters engaged in the illegal practice of "naked short selling", "death-spiral financing", "failure to delivers (FTDs)" and/or stock fraud. This page is a resource for anyone wishing to educate themselves regarding the depth and breath of these illegal activities. Please note that some of the articles may have been added out of time sequence because they were discovered weeks or months after publication. All the dates are, to the best of our knowledge, when they came into the public domain. If you find additional public information elsewhere on this subject, please forward the published information or hyperlink to rgodwin@rgm.com for review and posting. Thank you.

Notice to all Shareholders and Companies affected by Illegal Trading Conduct.

Add your voice and be part of the solution. Help to institute an independent investigation into the misconduct of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

We are requesting that there be an full, public, and independent investigation by the United States Congress or Senate into the conduct of the SEC regarding the continuing manipulative, abusive and illegal trading practice known as "naked short selling" and other illegal trading conduct. We also request that they investigate why these illegal trading practices has been allowed by the SEC to exist and flourish for over a decade without enforcement.

As witnessed by my letter to the SEC in January, 2004 (http://www.rgm.com/articles/godwin.html) regarding the proposed SHO changes, nothing has happened since to improve market enforcement. And by the recent examples of sub-prime mortgage market abuse, fraudulent CDO's and naked shorting of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, it's got worse. Immoral, unethical, and illegal conduct has become systemic and institutionalized in an financial oligarchy of fraud.

As John Kenneth Galbraith stated in his book, The Great Crash 1929: "Regulatory bodies, like the people who comprise them, have a marked life cycle. In youth, they are vigorous, aggressive, evangelistic, and even intolerant. Later they mellow and in old age - after a matter of 10 or 15 years - they become, with some exceptions, either an arm of the industry they are regulating or senile."

Since at least the mid 1990’s, the SEC has been aware of systemic illegal activity and has failed to adequately respond to investor and Company complaints alike. In recent years the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and even the SEC have conducted numerous investigations into these activities and have followed these illegal schemes through to money laundering and other unethical conduct. As a result of the lack of SEC diligent enforcement, every private investor has had their financial integrity jeopardized. Whether its private ownership of common shares, ownership of a mutual fund or participation in a company pension plan, every investor is having money stolen from their pocket by these criminal schemes.

The SEC is guilty of aiding and abetting criminal activities.

Since the SEC has failed to take adequate counter measures to stop illegal trading practices by members of the financial investment industry, we are demanding an independent and full public examination by the United States Congress or Senate as to the reasons for their years of inaction.

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