To all who have said positive words about the new names, well I could not agree more!
I know two of them, and yes, I could not even think of anything even remotely negative to say!
But I can say I trust them, from what I know it's complete honesty, and ya, I think they will do great!
You know what, lets face it, is it not time for change? IMO, looking back to the AGM's I've been to, and now especially this year, personally, as I've said in the past, I've seen a huge disconnect with Management continually increasing!
The share price has sunk, the latest PP & NR is absurd (IMO), there is so much distrust, there is so much spending, etc, etc, .....
It is just my opinion, and please don't ever base your upcoming vote on what I write, find out for yourself, but these guys have my vote, absolutely NO doubt!