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Message: Wake up!
I agree.... If you pop over to SH, they're whining about Sculpin: blaming him for getting others (its always others that Sculpin fooled into buying SLI stock, but never them: they all got out because they are way too smart)........ Then, pop over to SH a month later and it's the same ol whiners still whining about Sculpin or boo hoo I've been banned and I can't get over it. ................... There's a lot of good hard working folks over here taking the time to share their observations and working hard towards a positive outcome for this company that we all have a share in. Glad to see the whiners and negative disruptive posters ousted. Really, they should be happy to be shown the door so they can move on- yet they rarely are, prolly never. If you spend your time on forums bitching and whining, prolly a good chance you ll spend your life bitching and whining.............SH (thank goodness) Is a great place for flockers to flock together. NEXT
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