Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Nov 17, 2012 12:06PM
Nov 17, 2012 12:18PM
Nov 17, 2012 02:01PM
Nov 17, 2012 03:29PM
Nov 17, 2012 05:22PM
Nov 17, 2012 05:25PM

Nov 17, 2012 05:42PM
Nov 17, 2012 05:43PM
Nov 17, 2012 05:56PM
Nov 17, 2012 05:59PM
Nov 17, 2012 06:09PM

"There are two sides to the Market the"Buy and the sell" there is not just a buy side that is what the market is about.If there was just a buy side there would not be a market and vice versa. Lori has bought and sold shares in the open market of both companies and if we as shareholders followed her moves we would be in a better position today. I feel Lori and the management provided us with the the opportunity , the properties , the funding , for us to benefit from both the share price and liquidity over the last three years and if we did not take this opportunity we must accept responsibility. Now i am so disappointed by certain individuals on this and other boards who are trying to blame others for their own mistakes. This childish behaviour of attacking management , forming dissident groups and bashing could be the demise of this great company in my opinion. Lori spent over fifteen years building this company and certain people are trying to tear it down ." --- SLI

I think if you were to ask many of the shareholders of this company they would admit to making many mistakes, many have made investment mistakes and some to a greater degree than others, some have also made some mistakes over the years outside of the narrow-focus of just the buy/sell financial environment. While poor buy and sell decisions have been made, that is actually the easiest thing to accept...everyone knew when they invested that they may lose their money...that is the gamble of the markets and the Venture Exchange.

So to even allude to the notion that this is just about sour grapes over money lost is dead wrong and frankly oversimplifies the concerns of the shareholders not to mention disregards them altogether...if you have met enough of the shareholders you would know that the bulk of the shareholder base in this company are motivated by principle and fairness...not greed...this is about how management has conducted itself, managed two companies with conflcting interests, the incomprehensible business decisions made, the disrespect to the shareholders and the breach of their long standing trust. Plain and simple.

What shareholders would also point out is that it is important to learn from those mistakes and make things right when it is possible. There are fundamental rights afforded shareholders of a publicly traded company. They are able to vote their shares in accordance with the company's bylaws and the regulations of the BCSC, TSX.V and the Provicial and Federal Governments. Those who feel you are correct and that Management and the BOD have performed well and in the best interests of the company and its shareholders will support them..others will not.

With all due respect...the notion of forming a "dissident group" being childish is plain and simple ignorance. Executing a proxy challenge is a very serious 'adult" thing to do and not a decision taken lightly...it is complicated, costly and certainly there is no guarantee of a successful challenge and thus it would be viewed as a last resort needing the support of the majority of the company's shareholders. It is also important to note that not only is a proxy challenge lawful, but it is a mechanism in place for shareholders to take action if necessary to protect "this great company" from the demise you so dearly want to avoid.


Nov 18, 2012 04:07AM
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