Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Why should we support the Hastmans as directors?

Well...Let's evaluate what needs to be done.

We need to assemble a board that can evaluate what and where SLI is at the current time and what staff is needed to effect success going forward.

Then we need that board to recruit the experienced geologists and corporate staff that can configure, implement, and then execute a system of discovery that will lead to the proving of gold on our properties.

Now...What does Darcy want to do as a new board member?

Well, he's the one that explained to me what he wishes to do for SLI and that is written above in BOLD print.

Darcy and crew are smart enough to realize they cannot save SLI without the assembling of experienced professionals (that are experienced, well trained people and that are also trustworthy and honest) to run the company. Why trustworthy and honest?....I'll leave that question for all of my fellow shareholders to answer.

Darcy and the other dissidents don't claim to be experienced mining professionals as others seem to claim. They do however have the brains to recruit a team that has the respect of our shareholders and who share the same loyalty ( they own shares) and goals of making SLI a world class gold exploration company....not any other type (internet, computer etc.) of company just a GOLD exploration company!

If you are supporting the current mangement team please ask yourself...How did these so -called experienced people let our share price fall into the ground? Where are they taking us from here? If they are experienced professionals why don't they seem to be able to find the gold? I'll give you my opinion...because they don't know what they are doing! For God's sake, they won't even take our input from what I've been told and seen on this board. We have even been threatened with legal action for stating our opinions (deflamatory remarks I guess) on this board from what I read in a news release! Are we all crazy?

That is why I'm giving my support to Darcy and crew for change. Darcy will assemble a team of directors who have mining and business mining experience for us to all envy. Please join and support Darcy and our family of concerned investors (referred to as dissidents) to effect the changes that seem to be needed at SLI.

There may be many further battles with the current management team (not just the vote at the AGM) and we need the shareholders to stick together as a group to empower us all.

I'm proud to join Darcy and to be a part of this effort to help save our investments in our "company" ST Elias Mines LTD. JW


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