Great job by all that have taken the extra initiative to vote "GREEN". Our company deliberately made it difficult for us to have our say yet we prevailed. Thanks to all.
I believe the 62.3 million votes thus far registered does not yet represent all the support our side has. It may in fact not yet include the "Concerned Shareholders" shares. It is not yet time to let up.
Please, if you have any further accounts that have not yet been voted or know of anyone else how may have, I encourage you to get the further vote in.
The big battle has been won and the tide is now with us but regrettably, Lori may still try to impede the will of the owners of the company. Having a supermajority say of 67% would greatly assist in any further battles.
If we stand 2 to 1 for the green side, those kinds of numbers cannot be disregarded by the Exchange, Regulators or Courts. Please maintain the resolve.