Fellow Investors,
It is very important that we help support the concerned shareholders fund. I know its been a hard year with our investment getting hammered by 90% or more and the Holiday Season, but we need to get the funds rolling in there as soon as we can. Some funds are starting to come in, but we have to try to speed that up a bit. After we get rolling, I may put a tally on the forum so people can see how we are doing.
I know its absurd what has been happening to us and we must continue to fight, our voice will be heard. There are things continuously happening, but we need the monetary support as well as the support we shareholders can provide through other methods. As mentioned earlier in another post, we will be organizing for a slightly different awarness campaign, that will evolve here shortly.
So everybody stay together and help fight against the injustice of our CEO not recognizing the majority of the shareholders in our company, among plenty of other things. We cannot allow this to continue to our investment and treasury, and help ensure that a stop is put to this promptly.
Here is the link to the donation form and the address to send it to is below the link. Just print off this form,fill it in and send it to the address provided below with the cheque payable as per below..
Cheque payable to: Garry B. Ollis Prof Corp
Mail Address: Hastman
Box 3428
Spruce Grove, Alberta
T7X 3A7
thank you