Hey Folks;
Kinda reminds me of an old song by Elton John----"The Bitch is Back"
When do we quit payin---As if she hasn't taken enuf out of our lives already, she wants to kick us in the privates while she has us down, (or at least thinks she does). All because we trusted her--sure hope I'm not on the jury deciding punishment for crimes committed, punishment is always a bitch!!--- cuz she is going to be charged and convicted of criminal activities that will make Martha look like a kindergarten school teacher. And when the big day comes---its going to be very HOT where she is going and she stands in front of the BIG BOSS.
This crap she's committing is what she was doing long before we caught on to her, so don't get excited about her pulling the act off after the fact,---just take note that she never did have our best intentions at heart. Time and patience has a way of equalizing the playing field.
Our turn is coming---and it may be sooner than she or we think..
all in my opinion of course