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Message: Keep letter/phone campaign ongoing, important

Fellow Investors,

I should have included this in one of my previous posts but forgot, so here it is.

It is still extremely important to keep your letters, phone calls, media contacts, etc, ongoing. This campaign will most likely be of more importance to us at a later date, but these seeds have to be planted now with persistence being the main driver. Make aware as many public as possible of our ridiculous situation with the 91% vote results being ignored by the chair of the AGM,Lori.Keep up your calls and letters to authorities, always keeping complete documentation in more than one place. Every action you take along lines of spreading the awarness creates a larger and larger file that could place accountability and responsibility upon inaction at a later date. This could become very valuable to us shareholders in the future in several ways. It is an integral part of our journey even though you may not be seeing no fruits at this time, but please continue.

thank you


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