It might be helpful to SLI shareholders to have access to an updated record of costs related to the proxy battle to date - doesn't have to be meticulously documented, but enough info to keep a decently accurate running tally of costs so far - I think that most of us have little idea of actual costs associated with court fees, legal fees, etc. This may serve at least a two fold purpose - (1) answering skepticism and (2) informing those who genuinely want to donate but are not willing to give without a little more info being made available to them. Asking people to blindly give is akin to door to door or phone sales pitches - any ordinary person is not going to fork over money without some accountability. I'm not insinuating that sort of info is being deliberately witheld, but neither have I seen any of those particulars posted anywhere. Yes, the money is necessary to go forward, but of equal importance is info to reassure those donating that their money is going toward specific actions. This is a situation that requires prompt and proper attention if we hope to be successful !!