Did SLI send any staff to Peru? Not sure why they would, no drilling since July?
Did they send them by flight? Who exactly is the "they" you are talking about?
Did they rent vehicles when there? One rental vehicle, what's that cost, $200.00 a week?
Did they require accomodations whille there? Yes, there is a camp onsite!
Did they recieve incidentals whille travelling? Hmmm... not too sure what that means?
How long do they go for at a time? days? months? A 2 way plane ticket is still a 2 way plane ticket. It doesn't matter how long you stay for.
Your understanding of the operations is amazing. Too bad you never signed up sooner than 4 days ago, you may have been able to help clarify alot of things.
I haven't been as bewildered with such ludicriousy since Primed used to post here.