Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: I'd Just Like to Say--

Hey Folks;

Its been a long and arduous 10+ years since our good friends ( Mimi and Crew) got us into this venture stock.

However,--- in retrospect, there is nothing that has kept me more focused on world affairs, personal affairs, right and wrong doings and practices, illegal injustices without punishment, and pure and utter frustration than the debacle we have endured with SLI.

Maybe thats not a bad thing. !! I'm still alive--and if you are reading this --I assume you are too..

My Point is this----you come into the world with no suit, no money, no attitude, no worries, no friends (other than your parents ), no debts, and the list goes on and on.

Many of you will accuse me of being TOO Positive. Please consider this---

You leave with a $100 dollar suit or dress on your backside, and the rest is just POINTS.

Sooooo---why get too excited as long as the events you are experiencing are creating an adrenylin rush to keep your blood veins free of cholesterol.

I love the fact that I'm 64 yeas old, still very alive, still have a wonderful relationship with my wife of 37 years, 2 great daughters, 2 great granddaughters, and almost as important, a great and very wonderful family of friends that I would not have had if ST Elias had not came into our lives.

Monetarilly-- we all may win lose or draw---but socially---none of us will ever lose--even the Primed Bunch.--We kept each other on our toes. We just differed in our opinions and values.

We do have things going our way right now---we all know that the BS and politics can change that in a heartbeat---but we also know that if we all stick together ---cuz we're all stong as a group--we should win this---hands down.

Stay Strong and committed and the SS St Elias and its redneck crew will eliminate the rat crew and make them ---"Walk the Plank"


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