For me, it's the unanswered questions that lead me to think there is more to the story - and there are many. For example, She states in the lawsuit that she didn't drill into the anomolies at surface, but angled into them, as is industry practice. And we should have all known that (duh...). I think we all realize that, but I have yet to see (unless I missed it) any news release that gives any angles of any of the holes that were drilled on the Tesoro - information that we could use to determine if these anomolies were in fact drilled. She apparently has omitted that vital piece of info, then turns around and states that she did drill into the anomolies.... where's that evidence? Why has she never provided the angles at which she drilled? Maybe it's not required? IMO it would have answered a lot of questions, and given shareholders necessary information to make informed decisions about their investment.
So because she says did, anyone who says that maybe she didn't because there isn't any proof - is now conspiring against her, and tarnishing her good name? Does that sound logical?