First of all, Ms. McClennahan should remember that the dissidents are 91% strong and not limited to the Hastmans and that she is "vigorously defending" less than 9% of the interest. The "Annual General and Special Meeting of the Shareholders" was NOT AND I WILL REPEAT NOT a meeting of the shareholders by any definition...she wouldn't let us in...
Oh and frivolous, unnecessary and vexatious??? How about the self indulgent, frivolous suits she has filed. Thanks for nothing, you are not representing me, Lori. If you were concerned about shareholders, there would be no frivolous use of funds i.e. fashion shows, publicity reps, etc etc etc, and the money would be invested in GOLD EXPLORATION - you know, what you said this company was about.
I see the company's website is down, wonder why? EVIDENCE? Hiding the evidence? Just my own speculations.
Happy weekend everybody!!