posted on
May 31, 2013 04:03AM
Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM
Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE
Message: NR
I would like some clarification on this release and perhaps more information.
In Peru, all valencia payments for concessions come due on June 30th each year. As far as I know, a company can skip payment only one year.
1)Does the CEO plan on skipping a payment this year, or has she already used that option in the past?
2) Does the CEO plan to just not pay it til June 2014 and incur a penalty at the June 2014 date?
3) Did the company just recently pay the payments within the last month to entitle the next payment due in June 2014?
4) Does the company have enough in the treasury to maintain the B.C. properties for a year from this date?
5) Are we at risk of losing any properties?
6) Has the company sold any assets and applied the cost to securing properties recently?
7) How much money is in the Minera Santa Elisa treasury at this time?
8) Are there any assets, other than cash, held in Minera Santa Elisa, SLI,s subsidiary?
9) Has the annual corporartion fees for Havillah, (another SLI subsidiary) been paid and what assets are held in Havillah,s name at this time?
10) Are there any assets in Havillah, other than mineral properties?
11) Although the SLI financials say they are consolodated, isn,t it Peruvian regs to have a seperate account for depositing any revenues by any mining subsidiary operating there? If so, is that seperate account, accounted for in the SLI financials?
12) Why has the Peruvian asset column in the recent financials, other than the mineral asset column, depleted by ~75%? Was this a result of selling some assets, or a depreciation declared of asset value?
13) The last financials say there is enough money in the treasury to operate, it says this verbatum; "As of February 28, 2013, the Company had not yet achieved profitable operations, but had working capital of $538,447 (year end 2012 : $4,467,631) which should be adequate to sustain operations over the next twelve months." My question is, the burn rate for the 3 months in this financial is higher than the working capital left at Feb 28th, how does the current BOD intend to stretch that amount out to last for 12 months like it is written in the financials? Do you plan on conserving cash and budget $44,875 per month to make it last, like the financials may suggest can be done?
14) If the travel expenditure averaged approximately $90,000 per month over the last few years, will the travel be eliminated to keep within the $44,875 per month budget neede to execute the statement made in the financials quoted in (13) above?
15) Can the BOD inform the shareholders of a complete breakdown of this travel expense and why it may be essential to the company?
16) Is the current BOD considering putting any of their own money into the treasury to help secure that there will be enough money to operate for the 12 months, as the financials say?
17) Can the current BOD give up their monetary compensation received from the company to help alleviate shareholders concerns?
18) Can the current BOD explain why they upped director compensation last fall while the stock price was being decimated and the treasury was being depleted?
19) Can the current BOD explain why they approved a compensation package to the CEO that may resemble a "parachute", when the TSX suggests against that for Venture listed companies?
20) Is there any ICP analysis being done on Tesoro drill core as suggested in a news release last May?
21) Has the BOD reviewed the shareholders list within the last 12 months to see if a naked short position could be identified on the stock?
22) Has there been any reprimands for late filing, etc, for any directors in the last 12 months?
23) Has there been any audits done of the companies books and were any injunctions filed by the BCSC to obtain records in the last 24 months?
24) Does the company employ a Market Maker or PO? If so, can you name the institution hired to maintain a market?
25) If there is an MM, or PO working the stock, has there been any outstanding buy-ins left unfulfilled in the last 24 months?
26) Has IIROC ever been contacted by the company over the trading in the companies share price in early Jan of 2012? If so, were there any irregularities discovered, and can this be revealed to the shareholders?
27) Has the "fail to delivers" that were present on the SELSF in the U.S. approx 2 years ago, been covered?
28) Has the verification of historical results requested by Beaunaventura, for the Cueva Blanca, been delivered to them? Do they still have an interest in this property?
29) Can we have a map of all the trenching that has been done on the Tesoro?
30) Has Intigold ( Chance E)and Capital 88 (Chance F)kept the portions of the Tesoro that they have optioned from us up to date on the valencia payments?
31) Has any of the options given to consultants at .10 at the companies AGM, or any issued after that, been exercised yet? If so, how many, and when will they be updated on the outstanding share structure on the SLI website?
32) Has any samples been taken from the Vilcoro during the last 12 months that need to be released?
33) Are the companies lawyers advising SLI how to proceed with current litigation, or is SLI advising the lawyers how they wish to proceed?
34) Why has the current BOD taken legal action against supporters of the company and not taken any legal action against the bashers of the company?
35) Does the company know the identity of the poster on stockhouse that bragged about shorting the stock and making millions?
36) Can the CEO explain where she came up with the figure of $9 million being in the treasury, mentioned at the Calgary meeting, Mar 25,2012?
37) At that same meeting, can the CEO explain why she said that it was "impossible" to get those Quantec signatures on the geophysics and for nothing to be there to emit them?
38) Can the BOD tell us if McElhanney ever finished comprising a resource estimate and if they are currently working for us?
39) Can the BOD tell the shareholders what the settlement to Lombardo was for that cost us approx $225,000?
40) Can the BOD tell us why no news release was put out for a property recently aquired which cost us around $200,000? And can you show or tell us about why this much money was paid for this property and to whom it was paid?
This is just some information/clarification that shareholders may like to know.
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