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Message: Re: Why question us, on previous NR's?
Jun 07, 2013 03:15PM
Jun 07, 2013 10:52PM

Rumours are a common thing in the Venture and even in the big board, although much more less existent to the little guy. On the big boards, the shareholders are a little more prestigious, so the rumours tend to hold more merit, however on the Venture, rumours can run rampant, as some bad apple companies will try to persuade potential investors to buy their stock. I can attest to this because of calls to different venture companies over the years, whereas you hear some quite extravagant stories about their company or holdings that they say may happen in the future.

As a result, of getting weird stories from management of some of these companies, and never see them materialize, a learning curve was established that resulted in doing extensive research, if something looked too good to be true. I had lost money in the markets initially because of taken these stories sometimes at face value, and sticking my toe in. But I was prudent, and only ever lost a bit, and the valuable lessons learned outweighed any loss I incurred.

So, after applying what I learned, not to trust rumours, I would do extensive DD myself, to confirm the odds that what they may be saying, could hold merit. I had found some companies did indeed tell the truth and proof was in the DD, an assurance for me, if you will.

I came across SLI via a news release that portrayed amazing bulk sample results. I dug into the companies news releases and info a little further, confirming that this was indeed real.It seemed kinda too good to be true, but I knew this wasn,t impossible, because I had faith in my DD that had led me to a couple buy outs of companies before, where I had considerable gains. So I knew I could depend on my DD and ignore any rumours or negative comments posted by bashers, so, relying on the facts presented on the companies website, news releases, SEDAR, other mines in the area and local geology, I was very impressed and still am, that this stock has very high potential and can be an investment of a lifetime.

I even took my DD a step further, I started connecting with SLI shareholders, and we started to combine our DD and findings, applying logical and rational methods to insure that we were not reading the info wrong. Any rumour was always disected and thoroughly explored for merits, to see if it could fit into the equation. Everything looked excellent, and for me, as well as many others, the Quantec seemed to connect all the dots and tie all the information together, that the potential was/is huge. A reinforcement of that statement came later on when, unbeknowns to me and many other shareholders, individual shareholders and/or groups, with ties to the field in so many ways, were consulting friends in these very fields of geology and geophysics, professionals. In my talks with many shareholders that have done this, the response was the same, these professionals saying it looked really good. This confirmed our DD perspective by having an independent perspective on the geology, other than relying on the companies and our own.

I still recall so vividly when I had a geo look at some of the geophysics and corresponding grades/samples from the C-1. His first impression was, "yeah, nice geophysics, they may have something there". I was a little taken aback, but understood later that he needed to see the grades coming from the different levels of the C-1 so that he could fully appreciate the full picture. I applied the grades and the depths and correlated them with the proper geophysics slides, then his eyes widened a bit and he said, "Oh yeah, what are you left to believe?".

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