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Message: Something that seems to be overlooked...

This Petition/Legal action against the company and management started in late 2012.

Some shareholders are suggesting that the Green team and thier supporters should get out of the way of management so they can do their job.

If they haven't been doing thier job and collecting a salary all along during this period while lawyers were dealing with the legal challenge...that is a major problem in itself and is simply another reason they should be removed from thier position and the board should be removed for allowing such things to go on.

Doesn't anyone want to know what work our management team has done in the last 6+ months?!!... In that time an entire team of executives and employees surely can and should accomplish a significant amount of work. What actually has been accomplished?

If 6+ months ago management decided to dismiss the petition and maintain thier position running the company and collect the salary that is afforded to them for running the company that is all fine...HOWEVER...should they not continue working and running the company?

You can't have it both ways...either you are running the company or you are not. If you are and are collecting a salary...produce the work that justifies the company paying you for your time...if you are not due to unwillingness or are emotionally unable to...step aside.

again...what has been done as a company and a management team in the last 6+ months that is justification for the salaries collected?...Show me some deliverables delivered, milestones reached, targets acheived...something to show progress and success...because to date management has shown only failure.


PS - Before anyone spouts the nonsense that the legal action made it impossible for management to do thier job...keep in mind Apple, Microsoft and thousands of other companies have hundreds of ongoing lawsuits everyday...management continues to work and the lawyers deal with the legal actions so they can...it really is that simple.

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