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Message: perception

Thank you very much for your reply chasingchance.

If I recall correctly, a long time ago I requested of posters not to recommend my posts here. If you are determining a mind set from the amount of "likes" on a post, you may perhaps get the wrong impression or perception. For example; if 90% of the shareholders here that do post and activate the choice of" recommending"posts, obliged my request, while 10% didn,t oblige me and continued to recommend posts of mine anyway, and your perception is only seeing the results from 10% of our "crew", as you prefer to call us, would you then not understand how limited your perception of that one little thing may be? Do you see anything wrong with your assumption?

This sentence of yours, " When you start throwing around grandiose terms like "societal change", people eyes glaze over." So if we may use your analogy of the mirror, in which you requested I do on my own quotes, what do you see? I guess where you say, "eyes glaze over", are you implying that they are perhaps hypnotized and conditioned to a mindset that society needs no change? Are you implying that the reason all these shareholders are still here fighting to get the right of their vote heard is for the money? Perhaps you are comfortable in an environment where your source of living is derived from taking advantage of another and see no need for change? Perhaps these shareholders are scaring you into thinking that you may lose that comfort that you have grown accustomed to? To suggest and apply the grandiose term in context of your sentence, may suggest for one to be acceptive of this society and that only God could change this? There would be no need for change, if the majority of this world were happy, but escalating global unrest, seems to suggest otherwise.

If you worry about an ego being attached to me or a journey of being a hero, why do you guys give it so much boost by blatantly displaying your intent at discreditation, why would it even matter to you what I do? If one hero emerges out of this entire fiasco, I can assure you that many will also, all the shareholders that stood up here and contributed to this venture in unity. We are all together, we have come this far together, and will proceed together, we share and not one of us are better than the other, we are equal. Although with a limited perception, you may consider me a hero, or wannabe, but with an expanded perception that introduces time, you may look back some day and say, they are all hero,s.

May I suggest that you get out of the confines of that little office, venture out upon the street and start talking to people in the real world, to get a broader perspective of what is going on out there? Ask how they feel about things in life, what would they like to see, perhaps even ask them about how you could help make their day brighter. As for your conclusion of me being wrong, I will share two little true occurances that a person shared with me yesterday while I was out talking to people.

1) A prospector had some claims in a valley, he glanced at the mountain and said "gee, that mountain looks like it may be better for gold than my valley claims". So he asked people that lived in the valley had anyone ever looked for gold in the mountain or if they knew if any was there, their reply, "there is no gold there". The prospector accepted this from the locals and didn,t bother to look or stake the ground on the side of the mountain. He continued to work his valley claims at a rate barely enough to make a pay and decided to focus on a trucking business that would supply a better source of income. One day later on, I dont recall if it was years later or only a short while, nevertheless, the time thing doesn,t effect the story, a guy came to him one day to hire one of his dump trucks. This guy said that he had staked the mountain claims and that he had some material he wished trucked down from the mountain side to his shaker/ sluice set up, but he only had enough money to pay for one load to come down. The trucker/prospector was intrigued if the material held gold and made an offer, that he would bring down two loads for the price of one, that if the guy found gold and needed the truck more, that the prospector would give the now trucker his business. The prospector agreed, the trucker brought down the first load and on his way down with the second load, he could see the table from a distance that looked quite yellow, the table was yellow in color, so from a distance he wasn,t sure what he was seeing, til he got to the table. Needless to say, there was a lot of gold in that first load and to my understanding, this prospector became pretty wealthy.

2) The same trucker(used to be prospector) as above was called to another prospectors site one time. The prospector had a job for him in which he wanted to move a huge mound of earth to get at pay dirt, in which a geo and a few other knowledgeable men suggested the best pay dirt was under. The trucker glanced around the claim and thought, to me, the best paydirt would look like it should be right where they want me to pile the dirt from the mound. The trucker suggested this to the owner, but the owner insisted that the geo and others had said the best gold would be under that mound, so the trucker took his equipment and moved the mound, which took many days I should add. The trucker came back, perhaps days later and just checked and asked how things were going, to his amazement , he saw where the trenching that was done from where he moved the mound, led right to the pile he put on the spot where he thought would be the best for gold. Come to find out, the best and high grade pay dirt was where the trucker thought it would be, and the geo and other knowledgeable just happened to be wrong this time.

So I guess perhaps one could look at the above two stories, and by limiting perspective without the endings of each story, assumptions could be made that the locals in the first story, and the geos and knowledgeable in the second story were right. Its not until you get to the end of the story that you find, actually without the whole story, no conclusions should have been made. There are multiple instruments of literature that portray the above, I just chose to keep it simple.

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