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Message: lets look at the proposed PP of Oct 2012


"Stewie, are you really blaming managment for bad drill results."
Clearly you didn't read my message before responding, but you'll notice that I never once mentioned the drill results. Your interpretation of my post is clearly an attempt to undermine me and my very valid points.

"It happens to the best of,em bud."
I appreciate the condescension...nice to see someone other than management able to step in and take the reigns passing the buck, undermining reality and treating adults like children, but considering your ability to interpret my original message, I'd suggest you may not be the best person to protect our fair distressed management and its honour...or maybe becuse ignoring reality is seemingly your forte...you may be the perfect person afterall

"Don't over invest in a junior."
I didn't over-invest, I risked what I was willing to lose.. now, in hindsight I shouldn't have invested at all..but hindsight is a fools game, which I'm sure you know by how well you play it. Nonetheless, I'm not sure what your point is other than stating the obvious. I would sugget to anyone considering following your advice to be wary that while you seem to be well adept at stating obvious things like don't over invest in a junior or eat a well balanced diet...twisted analysis and your ability to selectively ignore parts of reality is not a recipe for sound advice.

here are some other obvious statements to consider:
- Don't overinvest in management
- Don't believe everything you hear
- Don't ignore the truth once it is clear

"Comparing SLI managment to a convicted con is not cool. Please refrain from petty remarks"
Not only is my statement comparing the ROI of SLI to the ROI investors recieved by investing through Bernie Madoff not petty, my comparison is 100% accurate. If you want to continue to ignore reality you can. The reality "bud" is that if given the choice for an investor to turn back the clock and invest whatever they did in SLI and let Bernie Madoff handle thier investments...every single investor who has an average share price of 0.12 or more would do so as that would be a net gain to that shareholder as the average ROI that investors who trusted Madoff received was an approximate 50% loss. That is reality my friend, I choose to accept it.

"There is no excuse by the way for anyone owning stock the day the result where released to not sell the dead cat bounce."
The arrogance of this statement is admirable..blanket trading advice based on hindsight and a myopic view of a singular event is laughable. The fact that you use the term dead-cat bounce might suggest you are a successful sophisticated investor, but the fact that you make absolute statements regarding investing and you are hanging out in forums instead of hanging out at your summer villa in Bora Bora suggests you like to pretend you are something you are not.

"Being new here I don't know you situation"
It doesn't matter whether you are new or old here nor is my situation relevant. What matters is reality. If you choose to ignore it that is your choice, however I do take exception to you addressing me with condescension and trying to suggest to me and the readers that your hindsight "investment advice" based on a myopic view ignoring all things that have transpired is valid is insulting to my intelligence and I don't appreciate it.

"It looks like you are blaming managment for things out of thier control including you failing to sell on a sell signal."
Rest assured, I take full responsibility for my buying and selling and any actions I make throughout life positive or negative...thats what adults do. Once again if you read my post you'll see I am only blaming management and the board of directors for those things in thier control, in fact those things they are responsible for as is dictated by the positions they hold and the responsibilities of those positions. Fiduciary, Leadership, Honesty, Clear Communication, Actions in the best interest of the Shareholders and Accountability for those actions...

...too much to ask of our management and our BOD?

"Sorry if my post offends you."
Does condescencion and attacking my intelligence by ignoring what I said in my post while ignoring much of reality offend me? Of course it offends me. I don't appreciate being unfairly portrayed as dishonest, a fool or a child.

"I can be rather blunt at times."
I appreciate bluntness, no B.S. and straight truth...however 1 out of 3 leaves you still lacking, frankly you should apologize for that if anything.

"All we can dp is learn from our mistakes."
One thing we can agree on...let me know when you choose to take that step.


PS Sorry if my post offends you. I can be rather blunt at times.

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