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Message: IGD News

Speaking of Intigold

From the Intigold MD&A ( 9 months ending ending April 30, 2013).

Office and general expenses for 9 months ended April 30, 2013 increased to $219,752 from $10,763 for the 9 months ended April 30, 2012. The increases relate to the following items;

 Investor relations increased to $53,240 (2012: $3,043) as the Company continued to increase its promotional and marketing activities.

 Travel and entertaining increased to $72,473 (2012: $128) as the Company aggressively continued to pursue its awareness and promotional campaign so that it can raise funds to pursue its exploration and technology activities.

 Office supplies increased to $39,353 (2012: $1,495) due to the consolidation of Ttagit Social Networks Inc., which increased the Company’s office expenses.

 Rent increased to $23,589 (2012: $nil) due to the consolidation of Ttagit Social Networks Inc., and the shared office facility.

It seems everything has increased considerably. Could IGD now be carrying a bit of SLI travel and entertaining expenses?

The office expenses have gone from” NIL” in 2012 to $23,589.00. It looks like it is due to the TTAGIT consolidation??? but what I really want to know is how come they paid ZERO last year. Don’t they share an office with SLI? Why wouldn’t they have not paid half the rent?

Can anyone tell me if this is above and beyond the CEO’s annual salary:

The expenditures charged by related parties to the Company and not disclosed elsewhere in these consolidated financial statements consist of the following:

(a) paid or accrued $64,675 (2012 - $45,000) as consulting fees to the President and to the CEO of the Company.

It’s also curious that, although this was for period ending April 30th and dated June 27th, that Tina’s name has been taken off the list of directors. I realize that the resignation announcement was issued just 3 days prior, but shouldn’t she still be listed as being active during this reporting period, or at the very least, the resignation should have been mentioned in the MD&A.

Lori McClenahan,

President & CEO and Director

Kulwant Sandher, B.Sc., CA

Chief Financial Officer

Paul McDonald


Paul Gray



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