What choice is there but to bow out of the battle at this point. Ill never sell a share but it seems the gamble is now with what current management will do with the company. We all believe in whats there . Its clear SFA is happening or going to happen as far as a new leadership so unless somebody else plans to foot the bill to start another proxy war, its looking like the only hope of an improvement in our investment is with the staus quo. I dont like it either but all the complaining online isnt going to help our bank accounts...what other choice is available? A 2cent sp? A bankrupt company? No disrespect to anyones opinion and sculp its great that corruption is starting to be revealed worldwide but as far as sli goes... I dont believe we top the list of priorities. All im saying is maybe its time we be bitter quietly and see what happens. Otherwise im losing faith anything is going to change anytime in the near or distant future. I see this as an indefinite stalemate as it sits. What avenue is left??