I think it all started with my mom and dad. Forcing me to believe that the world is a fair place and that through hard work, perseverance, dedication and flexibility I could get ahead and make a difference in life.
They lied to me.
The world is corrupt and filled with people who only care about themselves. They use fear and greed to further stomp on good people like us. More and more I find myself lying alone at night, wondering where things went wrong. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Gone are the days where a retired farmer and his church piano playing wife could own a million dollar home.
Why should I support a system that works to create wealth, just so I can have a job, a $500,000 house, 4 vehicles and countless toys? The failures in our system must be stopped at any cost. Perhaps I should go on a hunger strike, or write a letter, to explain why I'm not happy. I may as well opt out of the work force and wait for a government handout. I don't want to live like this anymore. Gone are the days where communication, negotiation and compromise work.
I don't want to be part of a corrupt society, enjoying the benefits of hard work, at the expense of lazy uneducated people, who can afford to spend their days dreaming about change.