'But that was a long time ago, and she was offering the Hastman's two seats on a 5 person board where the other members were picked by Lori!
How do you think the voting would have gone? 3-2 maybe?
I don't see that as a "willingness to negotiate", do you?''
A legitimate vote would not allow dirty tricks like this!!
A legitimate vote in my opinion would have the shareholders nominating and voting in a whole new BOD, as there are none at this time and also voting to either keep the present CEO,or voting for a new one,would the shareholders be allowed that type of a legitimate vote?
Remember a long time ago the shareholders had a vote in 2012,but it was disallowed by the CEO because of a technicality, A revote legally should have taken place,and would have if laws would have been enforced instead of ''allowed to be twisted,bent & broken!!''