Hi Rick,
What "foolishness" are you referring to?
There are people here that want answers, and possibly closure on their SLI investment. We can post here as much as we like, call each other petty names, and speculate until the cows come home, but nothing will result from any of that, questions will reamin unanswered, and frustration will remain.
Some people started posting that "someone" should "make the call to Lori", and as it was repeated, it seemed to me, and I accept I may be wrong, that maybe Lori's side wanted to engage with people, and on her terms, as were instructed "not to make demands of her" (LOL!).
Nobody wanted to "make the call", and to be honest, who would call her? In what capacity would he/she speak? What questions would he/she ask? Who would record the answers? I think you'll agree that is not the correct wayto handle this.
So, I suggested we formalise an email to her, with a set of relevant questions, which everyone could contribute to (only Stockstr actually did!) and that her response should be placed on the SLI website so that everyne could read it.
I created an email account for this, completed the joint questions, and sent a polite and lucid email with the shareholder questions, and also asked for Lori's vision going forward from here, if indeed she has one, and she may not have of course.
I did not expect a reply, and to date she has not disappointed in that respect!
I'm not sure what part of that is "foolishness"?
It was an honest attempt at proper engagement so that people could make up ther own minds had she responded.