This may give You an inclination that governments, Elite etc are amidst a great collapse. You are not alone in Your complete mistrust of government and government agencies in respect to Your SLI story. As You may notice in this link, among other statistics I may add, that about only 15 % of the mass population, believes that governments etc , are just. This number is quite staggering, but more importantly, shows You that everything is collapsing from the way it was.
I suggest for those of You ready, to follow me on Facebook, whereas I am sharing very important things at this time, that do affect each one of You Now, and in Your futures. What was once dubbed "Conspiracy Theory" has Now become fact, with the coin totally flipped back upon the actual ones that coined the term. It is always Your choice of which You decide to believe and support, however, You are in a very crucial transitional period, where it is most favorable, to be well informed on what is actually happening in the world. You are in the most Amazing Times, than You could have ever imagined.