Message: Drama

Nov 19, 2007 08:38AM
Nov 19, 2007 10:47AM

Well, there is no denying there has been a lot of drama on this'un. Personally I hope that much of it will cease.

I went back over all data, maps, aero work etc., listened again to Jim's interview, noted Sprott and Pinetree et. al involvement, (tho fairly small) and bought a few more for meself yesterday.

Although this might be dead money til new aero is released or LaYesca news or drill turns again in January, you never know if NOT or other areas news will give UC a nice kick in the pants.

Jim's hammerin on the solving of LaYesca murder mystery was persuasive. Tho there better not be any fibbin here or Jim and the boys can look forward to being given a wedgie, two purple hearts, a noogie and a coco-buster. If that don't straighten em up and make em fly right, nothin will.

The Trucker

Nov 20, 2007 09:22AM
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