Message: Where is everybody?


posted on Nov 21, 2007 04:50PM

You will get no dispute from me that the history of this company is shabby at best. Point is the history has been shabby. As the mutual fund companies are quick to point out, past performance is no quarantee of future returns. And that Mc and Storm is my point. Forty cent is a pretty small admission charge to see if Jim and the gang, Trudeau et al can right this ship and make past performance a thing of the past. Can you get past that?

This is a spec stock. I know it. I know the history, but thanks for reminding me again for the tenth time cause I momentarily forgot.

Let's see what end of Nov. brings. Nov. 08 that is.

Look out further and consider that JF Tardiff and others are already saying there will be a mine up there. Some custom milling of everybodys rocks. Hmmm.

Just trying to look out past the end of me nose.

By the by Mcmoney, was it you brought up a point about some missing re-assays? What did you find out, if anything. Thanks in advance.

The Trucker

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