Message: Where is everybody?

OK Truck

posted on Nov 22, 2007 03:23PM

I understand the dilution issues.

You said "the company is, once again seeking out financing"  This is simply not true.  The recent financing is a done donut and there has been no mention of additional fund raising at present.

You also said this:

The problem here is that money used for drilling runs a greater risk of harming shareholder interest because once that cash runs out and the drilling turns up dry, you're back to square one with a deflated share price and more paper on the open market to contend with, making upward movement more challenging.  This is all negligible should UC all of a sudden hit the jackpot, but drilling is a hit and miss process. 

Now this, my bud, my son, my holy ghost is one of the most unusual statements in the history of stock boards.  In the context you state this, you seem to be suggesting that this problem only relates to UC rather than every friggin company in the entire universe, including but not limited to our particular galaxy.

No offense Storm, me brudder, but that paragraph gave me a full out belly laugh and near snorted a beer out me nose. 

You are good at what you do and for that I congragulate you.

THe Trucker

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