Message: La Yesca tailings

NOT for sale

in response to by
posted on Dec 03, 2007 12:50PM

Richard Nemis has already stated for the record that they want to prove the thing up and sell to a major.  That is what the junior exploration companies do, really, their raison d'etre.  The time frame I read was 12 to 18 months, again, if my memory serves.  Two posts in a row I'm questioning my memory.  Hmmm.  Maybe you better disregard this post.  Hee Hee.

Make no mistake at all, we are very early in the game up there.  I am personally pretty sure there will be a mine up there, but it aint gonna be next week.  Further, the number of companies JV'in, pokin holes and wheelin and deelin will be like a Chinese jigsaw puzzle to consolidate when the time comes so be VERY patient.

I'll recommend my law firm "Dewey, Cheatum and Howe to help sort it out.

The Trucker

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