Message: Sold this piece of crap today...

As much as UC is a favourite of mine, and a stock I will be buying more of today and in the near future, I think it will be a laggard to the run up by any and all neighbors.

The simple fact is that missteps occured in our recent past, relating to LaYesca and Soledad drilling and suspension for financials two years in a row. The lack of signatories to the JV agreement will spook some as well.

That said, as each of these boo-boos is dealt with in a successful manner, one can sense a coiled spring reaction.

My take is something like this: JV signed=double. Layesca fix=nother double. Soledad hits good again=nother double. Drilling and decent assays at McFaulds=nother doubleish. Let's say around 5 bucks by October.

The key is, these things need to be fixed. Completely, with no clouds overhead.

The good news is, for the believers or the lottery ticket buyers, we will be given a bit of time to collect up some funds to invest here.

Don't take my ramblings as gospel, cause this is still a very big IF stock. Welcome to Missouri, now show me.

The Trucker

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