Message: What's coming?

Re: vosin

in response to by
posted on Feb 11, 2008 12:23PM

I can't believe that Jim Voisin would set himself up for scorn and ridicule by making remarks that he can't back up with results. He doesn't strike me as a blowhard. I am sure he is going to deliver.

Thus, I grabbed s'more and UC is now my biggest investment up here, over NOT and Probe. I am due for a fluke announcement a couple days after goin in hard. Baby needs a new pair of shoes.

Well, I might not get my fluke but some time in the next 60 days, I am sure we will get the good news on LaYesca. Or not. If not, I will buy s'more, then repeat this post. Hee Hee.

Sorry, had really nothing to add, so just babbling.

The Trucker

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