Message: Answers to Q&A

Answers to Q&A

posted on Apr 06, 2009 09:39AM

Q - When Billiken Management pulled out the previous drill core to check with the Gun Analyzer for Chromium, what was the result from their findings?

A - No significant change or comment at this time.


Q - Is LaYesca just a bad memory, or is it still expected to be producing silver in the near future?

A - La Yesca production is one of the company’s primary objectives and the expectation of production has not changed. Tailings piles are never consistent in grade and tenor and always present more production challenges than run of the mine feed material.

At present, a significant re-sampling program has been completed with hundreds of samples processed, the company has pursued a certified recovery process solution to the altered conditions that assure profitable operation and this has taken numerous test cycles of various extraction methods, and the company is now costing the changes required to re-initiate the commissioning of the mill.

Some of the findings from the review are that the recovery process is now geared to a lower grade recognizing a wider grade variability exists than previously anticipated, the top 25 feet of the tailings has been removed because of discovery of lower grade, the grind of the tails was not sufficient and length of leaching time has been significantly altered.

The company expects MAG Laboratories in Tucson AZ to provide a final process verification in the next 2 weeks and if the board approves the go forward plan including availability of capital, an expected re-commissioning date would be between two to three months.


Q - Please tell me when the La Yesca mill will be in production.

A - This depends on board approval of the re-commissioning plan and capital.

Q - Why do we not get monthly updates on the progress?

A - Updates are given when significant progress or events warrant. Most actions are long term in nature and a month is a nothing time span.

Q - What is the expected time line for the re-testing of core samples looking for chromite.

A - Assays will only be pursued if the re-logging confirms it’s warranted.

Q - Is there drilling activity planed for 2009 on any of the Mexican properties?

A - As funds are available the Xora claim and others properties will be explored further which would include drilling. Xora is certainly a key component of the company’s Mexican development strategy over the next few years. The two primary corporate objectives are La Yesca production and completing the earn-in at McFaulds.


Q - Could you specify which area you predict there is higher probability of chromite in ROF?

A - At the moment the company has completed a gravimetric mag as well as a ground gravity survey on a portion of the west side of our east block that borders Noront Resources and results are pending.

Q - How is our cash flow?

A - We are an exploration company with no income as of yet. Cash flows out only.

Q - Any major like Cliff approach/interested in UC?

A - We have talked to a number of parties regarding our McFaulds property assets and this is an ongoing constant process.

Q - What are we going to do with the past 3 years drilling result in ROF? Are we going to drill near that area again?

A - Drilling on VMS targets McFaulds #1 & #3 are completed for now. A possible target in the area would be McFaulds #5 which is believed to be a VMS occurrence that merits some additional work.

Q - I remember UC did the most drilling work 3 years back but stopped, how is this year drilling plan?

A - Provided that funds are available, we intend to drill potential chromite targets on the west side of our east block. We have about ten kilometers of strike length along the Noront Resources boarder that appears to hold potential for chromite.

Q - Is there a chance we hit diamond in ROF?

A - Yes on the outside of the ring.

Q - When and where will be the AGM?

A – Vancouver and most possibly December 11, 2009.


Q - Are there just tailings challenges putting a KINK in the Mexico situation or is there more to inform us on?

A - We have no issues with Mexico or the Mexican governmental authorities and only the issues relate to those discussed above.


Q - Has UC been approached by Cliffs or any major to do a deal of any kind?

A - See previous answer

Q - What is your most valuable project and what is your plan to develop that project?

A - Excellent question. Both La Yesca/Xora and the James Bay Lowlands are considered equally important for different reasons. Mexico offers production and profit possibilities near term with lots of future gold/silver production possible while the “Ring Of Fire” offers blue sky exploration possibilities as this area continues to emerge as a major mining exploration camp.

Q - Why are you buying UC stock is it undervalued in your opinion?

A - I, like you, buy stock to sell at a profit. I’ll be praised for buying it and cursed when I sell it. I had a target that I wanted to own, and I now own it. If I didn’t think it was undervalued I would not buy it!

Q - As an investor why should I buy UC over any other ROF stock.

A - This question has many facets and I could expound for hours but it boils down to the UC/SPQ/KWG block of land is huge and very under explored and on trend with all major discoveries to date plus has numerous VMS discoveries to date. The only thing better than location location in the mining exploration business, is having a huge land position in the right location. Small property parcels offer small possibilities. Anyone attempting to consolidate this exploration region will look for location and size and from this prospective the UC land package is high on any list. Larger companies will not want to consolidate to make others properties worth more and more expensive to acquire. The exploration process in the “ROF“is very expensive and must be done with diligence and patience. We are systematically developing areas of interest to target. That scope will broaden if a significant discovery is made.

Q - You can run a mill this is proven do you have any plans to set up a facility at ROF and mine and process your own ore would this be a possibility or at least operate one or concentrate chrome ore before shipping if needed.

A - This is putting the cart before the horse as a chromite discovery has not occurred. The size and the scope of any potential McFaulds development project is far beyond the scope of our operations in Mexico and would require the expertise of a much larger base metal mining firm.

Q - Where do you see UC at in 2009-2010 and looking forward in the next couple years what will be UC's position in the Ring Of Fire.

A - Well, that’s a big question with a great deal of variables. My vision for the future is to complete our earn-in at McFaulds and explore the “ROF” to the best of our ability, hopefully culminating in a discovery worth development. In Mexico, once La Yesca is running as expected, the company would like to add further small production assets that are of interest while exploring for larger discoveries on it’s extensive land positions in La Yesca/Xora, Copalquin, Mar, etc.

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