Message: Same should apply to Jim
I wrote this on FNC board, but the same idea should apply to Voisin in preparation for a CLF takeover. Perhaps the next phone call by one of you can mention it.
Also, if any of you are invested in both UC and FNC, could you get his comments on Smith's current drill plan. -sg
Peter's negotiating tactic with CLF
posted on Jun 01, 10 04:49PM Use the IP Check tool [?]

I'd love to hear Mac's unofficial comment on CLF's offer for JV's in relationship to the FWR's rape. An official comment would be boring and supportive of CLFs.

I'd also like to be a fly on the wall as Mac and Peter discuss when and the manner of a CLF's FNC offer. According to CLF pattern, I'm sure CLFs will attempt a buyout on a Sunday while Peter is in Europe, and claim they made a friendly negotiation Friday.

We are already borrowing CLF/FWR camp at McFaulds. I'm sure CLF is impatient for Peter to get going at C-5. Good, they can feel what we feel. I wonder if Peter can use the tactic employed with us to his advantage. He can grind CLF's good-will into the ground, exhasperating their patience till finally CLF makes an FNC benefitting offer out of pure intolerant desperation to avoid waiting one more year for action.

Hope this gives you a chuckle, Deb. Pass it along to Peter for his amusement.

Also remind Peter (JIM) to prepare his investors for a possible CLF's buyout by telling us what min offer he'd expect us to approve. Mac was unable to unify the FWR investors for the expected pershare offer. Just in case Peter (Jim) is forced to sign a similar muffling contract, he should preempt a "friendly" takeover now, and communicate the minimum offer he'd expect us to approve. He also shouldn't wait until after he's found nickel and chromite, but before, like now, as CLF might not want to wait for FNC (UC) SP to increase. He can revise after all assays arrive.


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