Message: Gold is the place...

Possible gold may make some adjustment in coming months ..but only short term in my opinion. If the economy and market slows down..then europe and others have big concerns about debt issues and gold soars...if economy heats up then inflation becomes a problem and gold soars..we are in a nice spot.

I feel "ROF" is a great "big picture" holding..but I am beginning to question that at this point we should pour millions into drilling the "ROF" right away. "NOT" has poured in millions and have a significant find and their stock trades at $1.20...for whatever reason the "ROF" is not getting the recognition for what they are sitting on.

JIM V has a nose for gold and right now our short term strategy is gold...I wonder if we might be better to pursue gold in mexico..once the mine gets going (very soon) then where do we invest the cash flow ...maybe we should get our 55% in the "ROF" and sit tight for a while. I think both the "Xora ..Layesca " plus Copalquin have huge potential maybe we should push the envelope on the gold projects and take a more "wait and see" position on the McFaulds Play. If "NOT" was at $6-7.00 which is where it should be I might have a different view...anyways this is just one persons opinion..maybe others have some thoughts.

None of us are even close to understanding the big JIM V is so whatever direction he takes I'm sure he will be on target...just presenting some thoughts for possible input.

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