Message: Real Production

Sounds good to me also...I'm not banking on it being a 100% smooth road over the next 6 months..maybe a few bumps along the way....but I am pretty sure that if we put some cash into Jim's hands over the next few months/years...the payback will be pretty exciting. I'm sure his many trips to mexico have turned up many potential opportunities,probably some we already own such as Copalquin where we are sitting on a 200 square Km property..(next time you are on the freeway drive for 2 hours..that is one leg of Copalquin). Not saying that big is necessarily a winner but we already started to drill this property a couple of years ago with some pretty good results and ran out of money,plus took on ROF. So give it a bit of time let Jim put this cash flow to work and we will be on the move.

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