Message: revenue

Good work up...but I would read this as gross revenues...the tailings obviously are free because we own no cost for raw materials except cost to move them to the mill. But we would need to deduct the costs of labour, utilities,mill management etc etc. I think we would need to wait until we get some numbers on operational costs before we could calculate net revenues and return per share. Also there would be a contracted processing cost to turn the concentrate from the mill into gold bars. My understanding is that we do not (yet) have the equipment to produce gold bars...we are producing concentrate. There are others on this board who know more about this than I do. Regardless the gross numbers you have come up with are pretty good...even if we came up with half this number as a net figure it would be excellent. Pretty difficult to guess at this stuff until we get more info from mill after 2-3 months of operation.

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