Message: Re: WHERE IS HOOV IN ALL OF THIS ????????

Since when is having $1.2 million to complete the 55% earn in and subsequent controlling interest at McFaulds bad news? If March 2011 rolled around and it was announced that UC decided not to exercise it's right to gain the full option of 55% and would remain a 40% partner... that would be bad news. How quickly do you think KWG and Cliffs are going to be in furthering exploration on these claims? As operator... UC would have that control.

Was Monday's announcement of a PP and further dilution what everyone wanted to hear... NO

Everyone wants to know what's going on in Mexico (myself included) But don't forget, UC has 2 interests on the go and they both have to be looked after. It's obvious delays at La Yesca where not going to make it possible to fund the McFaulds exploration in the time needed before the option expired.The allternative was funding through a PP, or lose the operatorship.


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