Message: Hold on there,

The theory is, and the reason I bought this company's stock in the first place, is that we won't need any more PP's or share issuance due to the fact that the cash flow from the tailings crunchin' provides all the needed dough to continue pokin holes in the ground in Mexico and Ringo Fire. Remember the last press blurp said the current throughput, while only about half the planned mill throughput, is covering all the expenses in Mexico now. They are still tinkering the mill for recoveries and throughput.

I suspect the share price is still being hit by the "show-me" effect. When the actual numbers come out, and the quarterly report is due in the next week or two, that will help. When the following quarter comes out and if the mill is up to speed and the recoveries are good, the pop will happen. I also expect a big announcement up North from the government on infrastructure. That will float a lot of boats.

Hang in gang,

The xTrucker.

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