Message: UC Resources Announces Drilling Update

Great to hear your perspective K. I agree with you completely regarding Chromium, although I do believe that if it were present in outstanding grade & volume, CLF would have to play their hand for control of the land and therefore make an offer for UC's RoF privelege.

Nevertheless, the RoF claim to fame is the diversity of minerals to be found (not just Cr) so although we are not getting a lot of respect for our Cu finds to date, I do hear a lot in the press about Cu, Zn, Ni, And Cr being the minerals already discovered. Naturally I credit the UC JV for the Cu and Zn being referenced.

If there is anything commercially viable in these holes it will add to the resevoir of $$$ value for the property.

I think commercially viable PGE's would light a fire under the SP most quickly.

For what its worth


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