Message: Kambalda nickel mineralization,442168,442170,442171,443391

Bit of info about Kambalda Style Mineralization

Langmuir Property

Location: 35 kilometres south east of Timmins, Ontario

Minerals: Nickel

Ownership: 100% Rogue Resources



Langmuir Property is accessible by road and is only 30 km south of Xstrata's Timmins Metallurgical Facility which has an idle nickel circuit. The property is also located seven km by road from Liberty Mines Nickel mill which has a capacity of 2000 tonnes/day. Langmuir is comprised of 74 contiguous unpatented mining claims of 856 units (13,841 hectares).

At Langmuir the primary exploration target is Kambalda style nickel sulphide mineralization occurring in ultramafic flows and sills. The Langmuir Property includes over 30 km of terrain comprised of ultramafic and mafic flows and sills favourable for hosting nickel, copper and platinum group mineralization (PGM).

Air borne geophysics has been flown over the entire property by Geotech using VTEM B-field system. More than 20 separate clusters of airborne EM anomalies have been identified.

The Langmuir nickel deposit was found by drilling one of the anomalies in one of the clusters in early 2007. Several other VTEM anomalies and clusters appear on strike with the discovery zone. These anomalies occur in an arcing trend that wraps around the Shaw Dome. This geological environment bears a striking similarity to Kambalda nickel ore deposits which are localized along the flanks of the Kambalda Dome in Western Australia.

Nickel ore deposits in the Kambalda camp often occur in groups or clusters. For example, 12 nickel deposits occur within an ultramafic flow unit of approximately 8 km by 4 km in area. At Langmuir the ultramafic flow package is 20 km long and up to 4 km wide. Therefore, the potential exists on the Langmuir Property to have one or more clusters or groupings of Kambalda style nickel deposits.

Kambalda deposits can be very high grade nickel (+/- Cu, Co, PGE) deposits as exemplified by the type deposits in the western part of Australia. Western Mining Corp. (WMC) was one of the first companies to explore and develop Kambalda nickel deposits in the late 1960's. By the late 1990's WMC was still mining and reportedly producing upto 35,000 tonnes of nickel annually from its' Kambalda operations. This equates to about 77 million pounds of nickel per year. The current price for nickel is about US$12.50 per pound.

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