Message: Gary Monaghan video

I see now why they didn't follow my sage advice to start blowing things up a Copalquin and draggin that dirt to the mill, the usual law suits. Can't tell you how many times I've seen this silliness take place. Farallon comes to mind. Drug on for years. Is the Mexican system like the American system, where if you sue and loose it costs you next to nothing, rather than the Canadian and Brit systems whereby if you sue and loose you are liable for a bunch of costs? Seems like maybe, cause you do see a lot of bogus law suits down yonder. Maybe Don Jose de la Motiontoappeal can chime in on thqt 'un.

Well I hope the legal nonsense ends soon, get a permit and blow up that glory hole, never mind with the drillin, just chase it, it ain't deep. Says the fella that can't get a gladiola to behave.

Nice video, good update, still wish they could translate Moe's report. Waitin on Brother Hoov for that. I am also pretty sure that mill can generate more than $400K once the tinkerin is done.

As stated before, this is a stock for speculatin, and at this price I can see dang few better ones for the heart pumpin action that may or may not occur momentarily.

Downside risk got to be near zip. Brothers, can you spare a dime?

Der Truckinmeister.

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