Message: Waiting to exhale.

Been holding breath on financials and news. We got the decent, vanilla ish financials. Now we wait on a news release that Lucky asked for a while ago. Agoracom said news was pending. Ergo, now that the reporting requirenents are fulfilled, news should follow as promised. I would expect same this week, as response seems to suggest an update is imminent. One would speculate that enough time has elapsed to get the assays on the Moe's 2 wild ones, but who knows, the labs are up to their arse in alligators, I assume, based on the turnaround times on some of the shares I'm holding.

Another crack just appeared in the paint I am watching. Will report soonest on this latest exciting development.

Nice day today, going out to pound a few nails into my nearly finished deck. Just in time for summer. (In Argentina)

Have beer, will renovate.


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