Message: T/A
Jan 31, 2012 09:49PM

The cat and I are not much into technical analysis on very small cap miners. Fundamentals speak louder. However, nice to see that we have blown through moving averages on, relatively speaking, decent volumes. Dollar volume could be considered pocket change.

Yangzhh made mention of insider buying, but I am unable to see this on TMX or Canadian Insider. Perhaps I am searching incorrectly. Nevertheless, it is good to see some positive activity.

I don't know what type of candle this chart is, but I hope it is one that burns at both ends, with each end under Gary and JimBob's butts respectively. A burst of activity and results at the mill with good numbers at the end of the month can direct a lot of eyeballs to this company.

The mill delivered $551,000 last quarter even without whatever repairs necessary. Not huge sums, but then again, should be more or less self financing its own upgrades. I guess one could call that organic growth. Well, give that mill a liver and a kidney or whatever other organs it needs boys Nice firm gold and silver prices and a well tuned mill could make for an interesting MD+A on or about the end of May.

I liked this story five or so years ago and I like this story even better today. Too bad the story took longer to write than War and Peace, but that was a good read in the end.

Maybe they can finish the story like an O. Henry piece rather than a friggin Tolstoy.


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