Message: As per royal orders, sigh - A typical day for a miner such as Jim

good morning Barry my friend: First my apologies for the repitition, then off to the patio for liters of nice hot coffee. I have been so wrapped up these past few weeks that most of the time I have been living in motels, rather than at home.

The reason ? I have finally gelled my final stage on the opening and development of the fabulous, legendary, lost mine of the Jesuits - Tayopa - which I found and now own.

It has been on hold since 2003, because of the physical condition that the surgery for cancer left me. but now I am going to "go for broke". The first effort will not be to open IT, but one of the main deposits. Political differentation is the key here.

The story of Tayopa is one of fascination, it involves international intrigue, murder, plots one after another, etc., etc., ever since it's initial discovery in the late 1500's, and subsequently being closed up due to the Indian uprising in the 1630's.

The Jesuits failed to find it again when peace had been reestablished, they had hidden it too well. Since then It has been the goal for around 400 years for lost mine and treasure hunters, many of whom died in the search.

However they continued working in the general vicinity until they were expelled by the King of Spain in 1767 upon discovering the plot by them, in conjunction with the Dutch, to take North america away from Spain by force / revolution.

They developed varous hidden deposits to contain the money = bars of Gold and Silver - which were to be used to finance the takeover. I am after one of the principal ones. It lists 610 mule loads of Gold bars, 1200 bars of Silver etc., a fun target well worth while, no?

I also have been busy writing a paper to be presented to the Explorers Club for my fellow members to read and study.

The above preoccupation, plus posting in many other sites, allowed this mistake to happen. for this I again apologize.

Don Jose de La Mancha (who will now go without one cup of coffee in repentance)

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