Message: Don Jose

My apologies for suggesting 88 was old. But when you get past the number of ivories on a keyboard, well that's something anyway. Have that mule of yers stomp on the ground for every penny we are up by Christmas, and I'll count the number of licks the yowler applies to it's own rear end, and we can come up with a much more accurate prediction, I'm sure.

Bed time for me now as must get up at 10:30 to ready for work.

I have calculated that my old house weighs approximately 20 ton. 19 of that is shim. Can't find a square, level or plumb spot on the beatch. Friggin tired now.

Thanks for that input Goldbarron. I was unaware it was that much of a topographical nichtmare. The court case will no doubt go our way, but yeah, as Don Jose and you are suggesting, maybe we ought to look elsewhere for the time being.

Night night all.


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