Message: historic times....

Yes...I agree Goldbarron..these are Historic times, but Government spending around the Globe has gotten out of control.

Most Greek citizens are employed by the Government, now in the USA Government is bailing out the Banks, Corporations and also the people with food stamps; pensions will be increasing as the Baby Boomers retire or unemployed, more peoples unemployment insurance is run out so they are going for Government hand outs; soon the coffers will be empty so a bigger Q3+4 is on the way.

Corporations paying less taxes, the rich 1% pay very little if nothing as they have tax breaks to feed monies to the election coming this fall.

I really think Joe 6 Pack is really broke now so they are down to a 2 Pack and not much left to buy P.M.

The surge in purchases will come from major corporations (like UC placing our monies in Silver funds), Big Banks and never, never forget the puchasing Power of the EAST!

China, the New Hong Kong Silver Funds and NEW P.M. (Gold) trading Companies. South East Asia, Middle East and India. Even the common people, the poor, the workers and middle class which is growing here in the South East Asia are the main buyers of Gold (Jewelery or bars).

We have Gold shops on every corner in the cities here, the shop I visit, the Owner told me less are selling now and more are buying at these low prices.

These shops are the brokers for the majority of the people who have generations of gold saved and have been trading gold for centuries while we are new to this system and there are very few of us that buy and sell physical compared to our population that don't even understand Gold or P.M's (except the Asian imigrants that have been flocking to our countrys for the last couple of their generations).

They are the New wealth and Businesses on every corner; wether a business or farming or property owners.

Next time you are right downtown Vancouver, walk around Robson area and count how many Caucasans u see.

I felt lost in another city when I did last year...where am I??? Asia, Japan, South East or India and now more from the Middle East each year.????

Toronto areas is the same except BIGGER populations. These are the buyer of Gold in our country and the world.....just look at what they wear around their arms & necks....most is 97% pure! It is their financial security.


W.C. Guy

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