Message: Silver Spike Coming Soon?

Look for fireworks in the price of silver. Anyone who bought UC at these levels may be very happy campers. SMF069

Dan Noricini, July 29, 2012

Dan Norcini is as sharp as they come. He told King World News the following today...

King World News is reporting on an absolutely stunning development, this time in the silver market. Acclaimed commodity trader Dan Norcini told KWN that in the silver market, '... the hedge fund outright short position is the largest position that I've got on my records going back to the beginning of 2007. We're talking about a five and a half year period.'

Norcini also noted there would be a huge move in silver, "if they (hedge funds shorts) get caught on the wrong side of that market ... because all of those shorts are going to head to the exits at the same time."

Should my info be on the money, with the hedge funds this short as Dan is saying, look for SUPER fireworks in the price of silver.

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