Message: Worn down booties.

"Sampling continues along strike of the Las Cuatas vein as well as other showings that have recently been discovered in the lower reaches of the XORA claim."

Missed that "lower reaches" sentence first time through. Always re-read the news a couple more times in case I missed. Earlier in the news they say Gerardo is looking at "upper reaches" Seems our man is doin some stompin all over that dirt. Good he got some nice booties from JimBob.

"Highlights of samples" is another phrase to be thunk over. 8 gm. per ton of gold equiv's at Las Cuatas needs to be taken with large chunk of salt. That's just my musing anyway, and they should always be liberally taken for what they are. Cheerleader's musings.

The drill program seems about right as Goldbarroom points out. Freudian slip agin. Poke a hole down 4 or 500 feet, maybe poke 'er down a bit more or less depending on what you discover. Jim and Gary have always said they will not blow our brains out spending the ROF loot on wild arse drill programs. Find some decent dirt with cash flow from mill, crunch new dirt and find s'more with new cash flow. Rinse and repeat.

Then listen to Gold and Aafab and start scuffin out a dividend in due course. Wouldn't it be loverly. I get the sense from the lads that that was always the plan over these past many years. It is why I always have seen this glass as half full. They try my patience at times, but what junior doesn't these days?

I am convinced that news was "hurry up offense, no huddle" Throw 'em a bone. Meat to follow. Lot of us dogs was yappin at them so they got their butt in gear on the news front.

I will be back buying around the 14th. My little sidestep into Billy Barker's world is working out fine so far. That was with some found money, but I still got my July chunk o' UC.

Lots to be had at Oh Four it would seem. That's a nice number, Asian numerology curse notwithstanding.

Back outside to bake again, like I ain't fried enough from the heat. Gives me a sense of how punishing it must be to get stuff done down Mexico way.



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