Message: UC: Home of the Weird Trades

Hello there Mr. Comanche feller. Welcome aboard. You will come to see there are a lot of head scratchin trades on this stock. Like the Wolverton order for 500 shares every week or so. Once went all the way to 800 shares. I figured we was gonna take off then but not yet.

That 2000 share trade came from HSBC. Good possibility that is our very own Mr. Gary Monaghan plunkin down the money from the beer bottles agin. He was in last week for a couple K as well. Been gradually pickin away. Never seen UBS show up before on the buy or the sell. No matter, not real significant anyway.

She's accumulating time, boys and girls. Much news on the way and drill turning soon. Our new friend Mrcomanche has brought a fresh opinion to the board, she's undervalued here. Damn straight my bud.

I got my monthly settlement cheque from the truck in my hand and can't get to the bank to do anything. Will press gang the Momma Truck to walkin 'er down and puttin some in my TFSA so I can grab my usual before Friday. Danged if this buggar of a stock might just stay at .04 til I get me boots finally filled by Sept/Oct. Yes Virginia, there is a Santy Claws.

Bed now, 1:45 AM comes early.


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